Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My YouTube Account

Well, I got YouTube Account which name TheNCWarrior. Most of them contains game, music and also, my diary, if you wanna know about my life. Well, if you guys have YouTube Account, please subscribe my channel for more videos that I upload. Well, thanks for who read this post and I wil wait. For easy, link is here: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheNCWarrior?feature=mhum.
Well, once again, thanks for who visit my blog

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Edit Image by Me

This picture I take from Devian Art.
I customize a little. From Green to Black. From Black to Real Black.

Monday, April 26, 2010

My Favorite Manga Tutorials (Web)

Alright, my favorite manga tutorials website:

1. http://www.mangatutorials.com/ - Of course you all know(have new one)
2. http://www.dragoart.com/ - Good for drawing famous manga or some other drawing.
3. http://www.kabukiyasha.net/tutorials.php - Specific or more details tips of manga.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Counter Strike (How To Be Amateur or Pro)

Now, let me explain about how to be amateur or pro in Counter Strike:

This is basic tips,

1. Always check your surrounding when hunting or be hunted.
2. Save your supply such as ammo to avoid wastage.
3. If you out of bullets when shooting (not reload ammo) when using primary weapon, quickly change to secondary or knife to shoot/stab or quick run, low weight weapon can make us run fast.
4. If you behind someone and wanna make stealth, use knife if they didn't realize but if they suspicious, quickly change to primary or secondary weapon and shoot immediately.

Now for medium tips,

1. This 3 factors are important, so learn it:
1- Accuracy - Shoot head than body.
2- Speed - Must fast so you can avoid than getting hit.
3- Caution - Enemies are everywhere, be careful and maybe you will safe.

The advanced tips will begin, let's begin:

1. Tricky the opponent so they maybe focus where your previous place that they see you. When they focus at that, you will go to another way(if you have) or hide in rarely place.
2. Hide in dark place. Maybe they can't see you and when they walk through quickly kill them. If they see you, quickly kill them and run if you low of ammo.
3.When pinned down, the best way is use radio to get backup or get some cover place and run.
4. Let me give you what is the best weapon if you wanna kill them easily:
1- AK-47
2- M4 Carbine
3- AWP
4- M3
5- MP5 Navy
6- Bullup
7- Bullup(Terrorist- I don't know what is name, is same like no. 6)

Well this information and tips maybe useful for who wanna be amateur or pro in CS. If already know, is okay. It just for revise. Enjoy!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

My Favorite Anime

This is My Favorite Anime:
1. Naruto
2. Clannad
3. Bleach
4. Darker Than Black
5. K-ON
6. Ginban Kaleidoscope
7. Detective Conan
8. DC Da Capo

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Type of Manga Eyes

This is manga eyes. Well, this is not mine, even I also have, just don't show it. Use this eye or eyes when draw manga, but at least one eye in one theme. You can found this image at http://www.deviantart.com/ or http://www.flickr.com/

How to Draw Anime Face

Step 1

Draw a circle. Now draw a vertical line at the center of the circle. Make horizontal dashes at the center of the circle. A bit below the dashed lines, draw another horizontal line.

Step 2
At the bottom half of the circle, draw the jaw-line of your character that meets at the center vertical line. It should basically look like a big "V" in the end. Draw two vertical lines at the base of the jaw to make the neck.

Step 3
Add the eyes at the horizontal line with eyebrows going up to the dashed horizontal line. Make your nose along the vertical line and end with the mouth just below it. Draw the ears as high as the dashed line and about as low as the nose.

Step 4
Draw in the hair. Notice the hair doesn't hug the circle. Instead, it goes above it. After all, hair is poofy!

Step 5
After you're done making changes, ink your drawing and erase your pencil lines. You're done!
Note: To make a thinner face, just make your circle more like an oval.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Comic Tips

Well let me give you some comic tips for cartoonist, this is only for beginners.

Scripting out a comic is incredibly useful. Especially if one is prone to spelling errors. I usually script out my comics a scene at a time. It doesn't set anything in stone, it's just good for figuring out the flow of everything and working out what text should be on what page and stuff like that.

Do thumbnails to plan out panel layouts on the page. The more you plan layouts, the better your layouts will be.

Borders break up panels, create time and space, don't try making a comic without them.

Without text bubbles, text just looks lazy. Text should be clear, readable, not too small, in some font that's easy to read, in some color that's easy to read, and please not in pencil.

Empty white space in every panel gets boring quite quickly. Backgrounds show WHERE characters are and what the world is like. A photoshop filter with psychodelic colors does not count as a background.

Layouts is variety makes for interest.
· Try different angles. Don't have any two panels on a page be from the same angle.
· Art should reach to the sides of each frame. It really looks bad when it doesn't. Especially when it's a closeup of someone's eyeball.
· Draw not only from different perspectives, but the distance from the camera to the characters is also important to change around.
· And one last thing about layouts - if you don't write in Japanese, don't lay out your comic from right to left.

Now it’s about dark, light and color.

· For black and white comics, my friend told me a rule that 20 percent of the image should either be black or white, and the other 80 percent should be of the other. This gives just enough blackness for the white to really seem white, or just enough whiteness for the black to really seem black. The further away from the 50/50, the less grey a page will appear and the more interested it will look.

· In greyscale comics, or comics done in monotones, this is harder. There is a tendancy to outline everything in black and have that black be the only darkest shades on the page. DOn't!! A page looks so much better with that contrast between the black and white parts.

· In colored comics, it's very tempting to just color things in generic tones. If you can mix all of the colors together and it comes up with the most generic grey, then chances are you're using quite average colors and the page has no specific point of interest.

· The best thing to do, for all type of comics, is to consider the page as a work of art and treat the layout and color scheme of the entire thing as you would a single picture.