Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Counter Strike (How To Be Amateur or Pro)

Now, let me explain about how to be amateur or pro in Counter Strike:

This is basic tips,

1. Always check your surrounding when hunting or be hunted.
2. Save your supply such as ammo to avoid wastage.
3. If you out of bullets when shooting (not reload ammo) when using primary weapon, quickly change to secondary or knife to shoot/stab or quick run, low weight weapon can make us run fast.
4. If you behind someone and wanna make stealth, use knife if they didn't realize but if they suspicious, quickly change to primary or secondary weapon and shoot immediately.

Now for medium tips,

1. This 3 factors are important, so learn it:
1- Accuracy - Shoot head than body.
2- Speed - Must fast so you can avoid than getting hit.
3- Caution - Enemies are everywhere, be careful and maybe you will safe.

The advanced tips will begin, let's begin:

1. Tricky the opponent so they maybe focus where your previous place that they see you. When they focus at that, you will go to another way(if you have) or hide in rarely place.
2. Hide in dark place. Maybe they can't see you and when they walk through quickly kill them. If they see you, quickly kill them and run if you low of ammo.
3.When pinned down, the best way is use radio to get backup or get some cover place and run.
4. Let me give you what is the best weapon if you wanna kill them easily:
1- AK-47
2- M4 Carbine
3- AWP
4- M3
5- MP5 Navy
6- Bullup
7- Bullup(Terrorist- I don't know what is name, is same like no. 6)

Well this information and tips maybe useful for who wanna be amateur or pro in CS. If already know, is okay. It just for revise. Enjoy!!

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